Profile: Sarah Weisberg
- Awarded Graduate Assistantship with The Public’s Radio and UMass Dartmouth’s Journalism Alliance
- Received Jacob’s Family Scholarship

Why professional writing & communication?
Simply put, writing is my passion. I’ve spent the majority of my life following that passion. As the modalities of communication change and grow, writing must as well. Growth in different fields require a working knowledge of technical communication and digital rhetoric; someone who can bridge the gap between scientific advancements and the latest news site. I wanted to be able to do that, and in learning rudimentary UX and finding rhetoric in design, I can.
What excites you most about this program?
For me, this has been such a great environment to hone critical skills and really dig deep into what I find fascinating on different levels. I’ve also had incredible opportunities like sitting on a news panel with Charlayne Hunter-Gault, being a Graduate Research Fellow, and I’m garnering a network of people who share similar goals and aspirations in the field.
How have the classes you’ve taken reinforced or changed your professional identity?
I’d planned to pursue my PhD before I even finished my Bachelor’s. This program has not only reinforced my desire, but has strengthened my determination to do so. Thanks to the MWPC program however, I will be entering into the application process (soon, that really snuck up on me!) with a broadened skill set that I can take further into academia and into my future professional identity.